My First Five YearsTM - Baby, Toddler & Pre-schooler

Everyday activities to support your baby, toddler and pre-schooler's development


Introducing Our New Book Series

We are thrilled to announce the release of our new book series, designed to help parents and carers support their child's development through easy, everyday activities.

My First Five Years Baby

My First Five Years Baby features 60 simple activities that support your baby's physical, cognitive, and emotional development. The book is full of activities that have been designed to be simple and impactful and fit into your very busy daily life! They will provide reassurance that you're doing everything you need for your child, in a way that works for your family.

My First Five Years Toddler and My First Five Years Pre-schooler

The next two books in our series are: My First Five Years Toddler and My First Five Years Pre-Schooler.

My First Five Years Toddler is divided into six streams of development – social and emotional, gross motor, fine motor, sensory, language, and cognitive, explains the importance of different types of play and provides 60 activities that will support your toddler's overall development.

My First Five Years Pre-schooler is also divided into six streams of development – social and emotional, gross motor, fine motor, sensory, language, and cognitive. Each chapter includes a summary of the science of your child’s development, followed by step-by-step guides to support their progress at home. From ‘puppet play’ to ‘wacky races’, the ideas fit easily into daily life and focuses on turning play into a solid foundation for all learning.

Our Mission

At My First Five Years, our mission is to take some of the guilt and anxiety out of parenting by giving you the power to recognise the small but significant moments, that often get missed, in your child's development. This helps to stop lots of the comparison and worry, allowing you to relax and enjoy more of your parenting journey.

Easy to Read and Simple to Follow

All three books feature beautiful illustrations and simple step-by-step instructions, making it easy for you to understand the benefits of each activity. The ideas are backed by science, research and decades of child development experience, ensuring that you're providing the best possible support for your child's development.

Buy your copy of My First Five Years Baby, toddler or pre-schooler now through any of the online stores below...